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"Holding A Cat By The Tail"
by Steve Blank

"Chess Not Checkers"
by Mark Miller

"Predicting the Markets"
by Edward Yardeni

"Become Truly Great"
by Charles G. Chandler

"Managing for the Long Run"
by Danny Miller

"The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster"
by Darren Hardy

"Go Pro"
by Eric Worre

"Opportunity Screams"
by Tom Asacker

"Explosive Growth"
by Cliff Lerner

"Building a StoryBrand"
by Donald Miller

"Profit First"
by Mike Michalowicz

"The Effective Manager"
by Mark Horstman

"Scaling Lean"
by Ash Maurya

"The 1-Page Marketing Plan"
by Allan Dib

"The New One Minute Manager"
by Ken Blanchard

"The Strangest Secret"
by Earl Nightingale

"How To Market A Book"
by Joanna Penn

"The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents"
by Hal Elrod

"The 10 Pillars of Wealth"
by Alex Becker

"Changing on the Job"
by Jennifer Garvey Berger

"Disrupt You!"
by Jay Samit

"Fanatical Prospecting"
by Jeb Blount

"Leadership and Self-Deception"
by The Arbinger Institute

"New Sales. Simplified."
by Mike Weinberg

"Influencer Fast Track"
by Gundi Gabrielle

"Scaling Up"
by Verne Harnish

"Hello, My Name Is Awesome"
by Alexandra Watkins

"The Leadership Gap"
by Lolly Daskal

"Poor Charlie's Almanack"
by Charles T. Munger

"Straight-Line Leadership"
by Dusan Djukich

"Hacking Growth"
by Sean Ellis

"Slicing Pie"
by Mike Moyer

"How Successful People Grow"
by John C. Maxwell

"The Meaning Revolution"
by Fred Kofman

"Never Split the Difference"
by Chris Voss

"Deep Value"
by Tobias E. Carlisle

"The Pumpkin Plan"
by Mike Michalowicz

"Shoe Dog"
by Phil Knight

"Beach Money"
by Jordan Adler

"The Human Side of Enterprise"
by Douglas McGregor

"The Essays Of Warren Buffett"
by Warren E. Buffett

"The Creative Curve"
by Allen Gannett

"The Manager's Path"
by Camille Fournier

"Exponential Organizations"
by Salim Ismail

"Everything is Negotiable"
by Gavin Kennedy

"Getting Noticed"
by Lindsay Teague Moreno

"The One-Minute Presentation"
by Keith Schreiter

"If You Can"
by William J. Bernstein

"Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets"
by Stan Weinstein

"A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers From Warren Buffett"
by Peter Bevelin

"ROCK Your Network Marketing Business"
by Sarah Robbins

"Perennial Seller"
by Ryan Holiday

"The Man Who Knew"
by Sebastian Mallaby

"The Little Things"
by Andy Andrews

"The Power of the Other"
by Henry Cloud

"This Is Marketing"
by Seth Godin

"Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs"
by Karen Berman

"Shark Tales"
by Barbara Corcoran

"Basic Economics"
by Thomas Sowell

"The Art of Startup Fundraising"
by Alejandro Cremades

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